
Total Ankle Replacement

Podiatry & Foot and Ankle Surgery located in West Bloomfield, MI

Total Ankle Replacement services offered in West Bloomfield, MI

If you have a severe ankle injury or age-related wear and ongoing pain, turn to the experts at Precision Foot & Ankle Center in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Angela Jacob, DPM, D.ABFAS, FACFAS, offers total ankle replacement to restore your joint, improve musculoskeletal function, and reduce pain. Call the office to learn more or schedule an appointment online today.

Total Ankle Replacement Q&A

What is total ankle replacement?

Total Ankle Replacement surgery (also called “ankle arthroplasty”) is a great option for patients who have moderate to severe ankle arthritis.  The ankle joint is replaced with an artificial joint which mimics the natural motion of the ankle joint while relieving pain.  Unlike ankle fusion (or arthrodesis), total ankle replacement preserves motion in the ankle joint with a prosthesis. Total ankle joint replacement is an advanced surgery which Dr. Jacob performs with great attention to detail. She has had additional training specifically for ankle joint replacements. . 

Is total ankle replacement right for me?

You may need total ankle replacement because of arthritis, lesions within the ankle joint, severe pain, a severe injury, or ongoing pain and stiffness due to age-related wear. Dr. Jacob lets you know if surgery is the best option after reviewing your symptoms, lifestyle habits, and medical history. She also checks your vital signs, completes a physical exam, and orders blood tests, X-rays, or other imaging procedures if indicated.

How should I prepare for my surgery?

To get ready for total ankle replacement, it’s important to follow instructions. Dr. Jacob may ask you to stop taking certain medications or begin physical therapy. Avoid smoking and arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and stay with you.

What should I expect during total ankle replacement?

Before the procedure, you receive anesthesia to eliminate any pain and help you relax or fall asleep. Dr. Jacob makes an incision over your ankle, removes damaged cartilage, prepares the joint surface, and inserts synthetic joint components. 

She makes sure they're properly aligned before closing the incision and taking you to a recovery area. You can often go home the same day as your surgery, but you might spend one night under observation.

What happens after the procedure?

It is very important to follow Dr. Jacob’s instructions after total ankle joint replacement. Take medications as instructed, get plenty of rest, ice the treatment area, elevate your foot above your heart, and use crutches or a walker. Wear a splint or cast during the healing process to keep your ankle immobilized. 

You’ll also complete physical therapy sessions to enhance recovery. Avoid certain strenuous activities until Dr. Jacob allows it. It’s important to attend follow up appointments with her to make sure your ankle heals without complications. 

To learn more about total joint replacement at Precision Foot & Ankle Center, schedule an appointment by phone or online today.